Waterfall Adopter

Type of commitment:  Ongoing 

Volunteers needed for the following counties: Statewide


Adopting a waterfall is a great way to have a direct impact on our North Carolina waterfalls! Choose a waterfall near you and commit to visiting it on at least a quarterly basis.

  • Pick up trash on a quarterly basis (or monthly if you adopt a more popular waterfall that gets more visitors).
  • Take note of any damage, graffiti, and large or hazardous items that need a larger cleanup effort.
  • Fill out a report to keep us updated, so we know which waterfalls need additional attention.
  • Represent Waterfall Keepers and set a good example to other waterfall visitors.

Read more about our Adopt-a-Waterfall program.


Does this opportunity sound like you? Let us know a bit about you and how to contact you. We’re excited to connect!